Web Hosting Services


Web Hosting Services

SJ Creativeworks Pvt Ltd provide state-of-the-art feature-rich web hosting services to businesses and corporate houses across all industry segments. Our web hosting services include unlimited domains, required disk space, bandwidth and Email addresses. Our domain services include unlimited cPanels, DNS infrastructure with unlimited sub-domains, where you can host unlimited websites in specific hosting plans, backup & restore. Our sub-domain services enable you to create a number of sub-domains within our economical hosting services. We provide unlimited Email accounts and our Email services enable you to access your Email from any device with state-of-the-art webmail powered by SJ Creative Works. Our Power tools ensure your hosting package is uncompromisingly secure through enabling encryption of all your communication and data.

affordable web hosting company in Hyderabad
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Power up your Business with our Web Hosting Services.

We power your website with SSH with which you can unleash the full power of your hosting package as it comes with languages such as PHP and Ruby on Rails. An Apache plugin speeds up your website and further compresses CSS, images, javascript automatically. Other features of our web hosting services include website stat tracking with AWStats and phpMyAdmin. Above all, SSL Certificate Available – Give your website best security with our SSL certificate. Other features of our web hosting services include top quality website builder for free, advanced password protection to secure your website from the onslaught of hackers, our secured server include a 6-phase security, plus many more features which include programming and development in PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, etc. Our support services include 24/7, 365-day hassle free local support in person, over phone, Email and chat.

Our Web Hosting Services

» Shared Hosting. 

» Dedicated Hosting.

» Virtual private Server.

» Managed Hosting.

» Reseller Hosting. 

web hosting companies
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